Cookie Policy
"OPAKAY" is the general name given to all optical glasses that companies Opak Lens San. ve Tic. A.S. and Akay Optik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. jointly offer to the market. Product information of these glasses is given and promoted on this site.
OPAKAY Cookie Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") is prepared by Opak Lens San. ve Tic. A.S. (hereinafter referred to as "OPAK LENS") and Akay Optik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. (hereinafter referred to as "AKAY OPTIK") and forms an annex to the Confidentiality Policy of the website
Like many websites, (hereinafter referred to as “Portal”) uses Cookies to present personal content and advertisements to visitors, to carry out traffic analysis on the Portal and to understand usage habits of the visitors.
OPAK LENS and AKAY OPTİK have prepared this Policy to provide an explanation on which Cookies are used and, how the visitors may manage their preferences in this respect.
What is Cookie?
Cookies are very small text files typically consisting of letters and numbers stored by the websites you visit on your computer (or other devices such as smartphones or tablets) through the browser. Cookies do not contain personal data about the visitors such as names, genders or addresses.
Cookies are created by the servers that manage the website you visit. In this way, the server may understand when the visitor visit the same website. Cookies may be considered as an identity card showing the website owner that the same visitor revisit the website.
Please feel free to the website for more information about Cookies.
What Cookies Are Used?
Cookies may be classified in terms of the owner, lifetime and intended use.
In terms of the ownership, the Portal Cookies and third-party Cookies are used. Portal Cookies are managed by Portal, while third-party Cookies are managed by different companies.
In terms of the lifetime, session Cookies and permanent Cookies are used. Session cookies are deleted when the visitor leaves the Portal, while permanent Cookies remain on the devices of the visitor for different periods of times.
In terms of the intended use, the Portal uses technical Cookies, verification Cookies, targeting/advertising cookies, personalization cookies and analytics Cookies.
Why Are Cookies Used?
Cookies are used at the Portal within the scope of the following purposes:
To carry out the basic functions required for the operation of the Portal. For example, a member of the Portal could sign on with their membership information.
To analyze the Portal and, increase the performance of the Portal. For example, identifying the number of those visiting the Portal and, adjusting the performance accordingly or helping the visitors to easily find what they look for.
To increase the functionality of the Portal and, provide ease of use. For example, remembering the username or searches of a visitor of the Portal at the subsequent visits or, providing a link on the Portal for third-party social media activities.
To carry out personalization, targeting and advertising activities. For example, showing ads in connection with the areas of interests of a visitor based on the pages and products the visitor has viewed.
How Are the Cookies Preferences Managed?
It is very important that the visitors are able to freely use their preferences on which of their personal data could be collected. However, it is not possible to manage the preferences about the Cookies that are necessary for the operation of the Portal. In addition, please remember that in case of disabling some Cookies, various functions of the Portal may not operate.
Information on how you manage the preferences about the Cookies used at the Portal is as follows:
A visitor is able to customize their preferences about the Cookies by means of changing the settings of the browser used to view the Portal. It is possible to change the preferences on the Cookies on the browser settings if the browser used provides this opportunity. In this way, a data subject is allowed to disable use of the Cookies, prefer to be notified before use of Cookies or, disable or delete only some certain Cookies, although these options may vary depending on the functions of the browser. Although the options may vary depending on the browser you use, you may obtain a general description through the website Preferences about the Cookies may need to be separately adjusted for each device, through which a visitor accesses the Portal.
Please click here to disable the Cookies managed by Google Analytics.
Please click here to manage the customized add experience provided by Google.
In terms of the Cookies used by many companies for their advertising activities, the preferences may be managed through Your Online Choices.
To manage the Cookies on mobile devices, you may use the settings menu of the respective mobile device.
What Are the Rights of the Visitors?
As per the article 11 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, a visitor is entitled to apply OPAKAY in order to:
Learn if their personal data are processed,
Request for information if their personal data are processed,
Learn the purpose of the processing of their personal data and if the same are used for the intended purposes,
Learn the identity of such third parties, to whom the personal data are transferred locally or internationally,
Request for the correction of the personal data if processed deficiently or mistakenly and, that such third parties, to whom the personal data are transferred, are notified accordingly,
Request for the deletion or destruction of the personal data if the reasons to process the same are no longer valid although the personal data were previously processed as per the Law and other pertinent legislations and, that such third parties, to whom the personal data are transferred, are notified accordingly,
Object to any negative consequences against them as a result of analyses of the personal data by means of automatic systems,
Request for the indemnification in case of any loss and damage against them due to the illegal processing of the personal data.
These rights will be assessed and concluded within 30 (thirty) days in any case when a data subject uses these rights to submit their requests in writing or through the registered electronic mail address. In principle, no fee is requested in connection with these requests, however, OPAKAY reserves the right to ask for a fee based on the tariff of fees as determined by the Personal Data Protection Board.
Changes to Consent and the Policy
By this Policy, OPAKAY aims to provide the visitors with a detailed explanation about use of Cookies and, inform them of the Cookies preferences. Therefore, you are deemed to have consented to use of the Cookies if you disable the Cookies information warning and continue to use the Portal. Visitors may at any time change their preferences on the Cookies.
OPAKAY may change at any time, at its own discretion the provisions of the Policy. The Policy enters into force when it is published on the Portal.
Last update date. 19/10/2023
Session Cookies
Session Cookies are temporary cookies that are used while our visitors visit the Portal and, deleted when the browser is closed.
The main purpose of use of these types of Cookies are to ensure that the Portal properly function during your visit.
For example, they enable you to complete online forms consisting of more than one page.
Permanent Cookies
Permanent Cookies are types of Cookies used to increase the functionality of the Portal and, provide our visitors with faster and better services. These types of Cookies are used to remember the visitors’ preferences and, stored on the respective device through the browsers.
Some types of the Permanent Cookies may be used to provide you with customized offers considering the factors such as your purpose of using the Portal.
Thanks to the Permanent Cookies, in case you revisit the Portal using the same device, it is checked if there are any Cookies created by the Portal on your device and, if there are such Cookies, it is understood that you have already visited the website, and the content to be presented to you is identified accordingly to provide you with better services.
Technical Cookies
Technical Cookies are used to ensure that the Portal functions properly and, identify the pages and parts of the website that do not function.
Verification Cookies
In case a visitor signs on the Portal using their passwords, these types of cookies are used to identify the visitor as a website user on each page visited so that the visitor will not be required to enter their passwords for each page they visit.
Targeting/Advertising Cookies
These are the types of Cookies used to customize the ads presented to the users on the Portal and prevent the ads already viewed from being presented again.
Personalization Cookies
These are the Cookies used to remember the users’ preferences when they visit different pages of the Portal. For example, remembering the language you have preferred.
Analytics Cookies
Analytics Cookies are used to generate the analytics results such as the number of visitors of the Portal, the identification of the pages of the Portals viewed, scrolling the pages of the Portal etc.