TransGold PhotoChromic Lenses
Advanced PhotoChromic Layer Technology

TRANSGOLD exhibits high performance color transformation indoors and outdoors with its "Advanced Photochromic Layer Technology". It darkens very quickly according to the UV intensity in the environment in outdoor areas, and lightens at high speed in indoor areas.
TRANSGOLD is sensitive not only to the sun, but also to the rays reflected from buildings, cars, puddles and many surfaces. It protects your eyes 100% against UV rays in all weather and environmental conditions.
With these features, TRANSGOLD not only increases your visual quality and comfort, but also meets your durability, visual and aesthetic needs with its brown - grey color options and 1.60 - 1.67 index options.

"Advanced Photochromic Layer Technology"
UV sensitive color changing lenses
Completely transparent indoors and at night
Superior performance in darkening and lightening speeds
100% UV protection (UV400)
Suitable for all prescriptions and frames
Suitable for all ages (including children)
It darkens not only in sunny environments but also in all environments with UV
Ideal for wearers who want to use single pair of glasses
Ideal for those with light sensitivity
Particularly recommended for macular degeneration patients
Brown - Grey color options
1.60 (MR8) - 1.67 (MR7) index options